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clock calculator light puzzle

Find chunks of me. I actually did something different with the calculators. If we thus take the *assumption* from that, that it’s rays x threads, then two of the bottom bulbs are 16 and one is 12 = 44. Let’s find the value of Clock first. =(3*4)^3 this is pretty basic and tells you everything. Instead of adding up each number on the calculator screen, I made the value of each calculator the whole number on the screen – 1224. If you liked this puzzle and then I am sure you will like Cookie Banana Clock Puzzle as well. I agree with all the numbers placed on all the symbols. So first equation is 9 + 9 + 3 = 21 => 1 clock with time as 9 = 9 and 1 clock with time as 3 = 3 Regardless of all that, the answer definitely is NOT 333. Who makes this crap?! He can be often found wearing a headset, listening to music and searching for the latest tech news, gadgets, mobiles and more. F:  Treat calculators as each displaying one 4-digit number, rather than four 1-digit numbers. Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle Answer. We published a hard and tricky brainteaser Basket of eggs Puzzle which got good response. When we she something, we count them not multiply them. Clock Calculator Light Bulb Puzzle Answer. X 9. Line 4:  1,224 in base 7 is 459 in base 10. Thanks, Ok this is why this was interesting and expected some to go and look it up… yes order of operations are bodmas or bedmas pretty basic math…, Question is whether to add all the bulbs on last line when they are equations themselves so a looked up solution would be 333…. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. 9 + 9(12^12 x 12) = 80,244,904,034,313. There’s something small hidden with those of influence and fame, If you can work out what it is then you’ll finish this game Riddle Answer, Irrfan Khan Puzzle Quiz: Solve The Riddle, P/Guillelo ANSWER | Broom + Witch + Wand = ? Question: Clocks calculator light bulb riddle puzzle answer soluton. We cover all the latest news related to technology, gadgets, leaks, sale, TV Shows, Entertainment & lot more so that our readers can stay updated with all the latest happenings across the world. Puzzle Answer: Clock Calculator Light bulb puzzle? Clock + Clock + Clock = 21 1 bulb= 5 + 2×5 ticks = 15. these solutions all work and come to different answers. Ritesh Kumar is a Tech freak with an experience of 5 years in the industry. This results in no change! 5 rays with 3 lines of thread = 15 The Clock Calculator Bulb puzzle answer is 333 Clock Calculator and Bulb Math Puzzle Solution To solve this puzzle first we have to find the value of clock, calculator & bulb. If they have 7 digits, they may be in base 7: Line 2:  1,234 in base 7 = 466 in base 10 The large ones have 3 threads thus 3 x 5 rays =15 each. However the last group of three light bulbs shows one on top of two equal to a half. Logical brain works like this: 9 (clock) + 9 (calculator) x 30 (bulbs) 9+9*1728= XXX=X*X*X As indicated by first condition, 9’o clock + 9’o clock + 3’o clock = 9 + 9 + 3 = 21. 9’o clock + 9’o clock + 3’o clock = 9 + 9 + 3 = 21. Select 3 Balls and put it into Circles to make it 30 -3 गेंदों का select करें और circles में डालें, कुल योग 30 होना चाहिए! So here in this post, we are going to solve the Clock Calculator Bulb puzzle and provide the correct answer along with the solution. 1234=10 is NOT 1+2+3+4 = 10 As several have said, alternative solutions are possible while adhering strictly to images and logic. Yeah, as I stated before, this is a poorly conceived puzzle as there is obviously no ONE CORRECT answer but can actually have NUMEROUS CORRECT answers, so BOO on this puzzle, ban it from the internet. Discover the estimation of one clock utilizing the main condition. This tricky math question is one of the most shared images in WhatsApp during the 2020 lockdown period. Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle Answer | Clock Calculator and Light Puzzle Answer April 18, 2020. haha. bulb is “bulb to the bulbth power”. 1x2x3+4 also = 10, but 1x2x2+4 = 8 Answer: The correct answer is 333. Once you are told that, sure you can apply it. Calculator + Calculator +Calculator = 30, 9oclock + 9oclock + 3oclock =21 puzzle answer, we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Each bulb in last equation does not have an operation symbol and each is an equation also so the first clock = (6/8)12 = 9;  the second (2/8)12 = 3. It is a simple puzzle in which we have to apply math calculation and logic to get the correct answer. If you like to contact me then use contact page form, I will reply to your emails ASAP. These puzzles are pretty easy however, still people come up with different answer. To solve this puzzle first we have to find the value of clock, calculator & bulb. DDO Vale Puzzle Solver (taken from Lights out puzzle solver and modified) Questions, Comments, Issues? Can anyone tell us the origin of this puzzle? So all the bulbs are So there are 66.571428571428… divisions per unit, Line 4:  1,224 in base 7 is 459 in base 10   That makes it a bad puzzle, as there are numerous ” correct” answers. This puzzle answer is 333. The only consistent way to look at the calculator number is as a single whole unit, thus (10/1234)*1224=9.92, Bulbs in formula are two (4 rays with 4 lines of thread) and one (4 rays with 3 lines of thread). I believe that the calculation of 333, circulating on the Internet for this puzzle is logically incorrect. (y*z)(y*z)(y*z)= This puzzle got more than 10K responses on our Facebook Page Puzzles, Brain Teasers and Fun, First equation has 3 clocks, first 2 clocks are clocking at 9 and next one is at 3. The answer is 153. Line 1:  (6/8)x + (6/8)x + = (2/8)x = 21x = 12This results in no change! Sum of numbers inside the Calculator is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. In my solution, I showed equation as x+x+x which is same as 3x. Biggest number from 508 Matchstick Puzzles April 2, 2017. But, perhaps this puzzle is a chimera, to keep us sheeple occupied during this Corona Plandemic? I would love to know who came up with the original. In base 10, 466 fine divisions comprise 1/3 of 30 = 10 Thus 4 each. Their values are not same. 9+15,552= It cannot be x*x*x . 2. Plus 9 is 153. 1 bulb =0 + 3×5 ticks =15 or Translating to base 10:  466 fine divisions comprise 1/3 of 21 = 7  So there are 66.571428571428… divisions per unit, Line 4:  1,224 in base 7 is 459 in base 10  459 fine divisions  / 66.571428571428… divisions per unit = 6.894849785408  in base 10 9  +  6.894849785408   X  36  =  257.214592274688. Tiger Cat Rat Puzzle. Clock Calculator Bulb puzzle answer, Clock Calculator and Bulb is the latest puzzle by mindyourlogic tending on Whatsapp and Facebook. So each of the three calculators in the second row have a value of 10 because 1234 – 1224 = 10 and therefore 10 + 10 + 10 = 30. 9+9*(3*4)^3= For a start, how is one supposed to know that each beam on the light bulbs has a value of 3, unless one is a clairvoyant? The calculator equals 10 at 1234. So there are 46.6  divisions per unit. So first equation is 9 + 9 + 3 = 21 => 1 clock with time as 9 = 9 and 1 clock with time as 3 = 3, Second equation has 3 calculators which each having number as 1234 , some of these number is 1 + 2+ 3+ 4 = 10, Which makes second equation as 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 => 1 calculator with number 1234 = 10, Third equation has 3 bulbs, each with 5 lights so equation is, 15 + 15 – 15 = 15 => 1 bulb with 5 lights = 15, 1 clock with time 9 + 1 calculator with numbers as 1224 X 3 bulbs with each with 4 lights. Witch Star... boy girl water bottle binocular puzzle | 30 33 24 puzzle answer, man dumbbell mask puzzle answer | Muscle Freak Mask Dumbbell Puzzle, Biggest number from 508 Matchstick Puzzles. 459 fine divisions = 9.8497854077253229  +  9.849785407725322  X  36  =  363.592274678111588, H:  Same as D but treat all of Line 2 (including sum “30”) as base 7, Line 2:  1,234 in base 7 = 466 in base 10 In base 7:  1,234 fine divisions comprise 1/3 of 30 = 10 Though I’m infinite, there’s only space here for four. I believe there is more than one correct answer depending on how each individual interprets the light bulb especially. Hi JJ, though there is no sign that it should be added or multiplied however, when we say 1 bulb is equal to x, then 3 bulbs should be equal to 3x only. Fake News! What do you think, folks? Line 4:  1,224 in base 7 is 459 in base 10. bulb bulb. This is one of many puzzles which went viral during this Corona Pandemic. Designed and Developed by Logical Banya, @2020 - All Right Reserved. Now Let’s find the value of Calculator. The calculators have less than 10 keys, including function keys. G:  Treat calculators as each displaying one 4-digit number, rather than four 1-digit numbers. Clock, Calculator and Bulb Puzzle Answer. 9×30 = 270 + 9 = total 279 In base 7:  1,234 fine divisions comprise 1/3 of 30 = 10 Reposting submission of 100 minutes ago, with clarified formatting and an additional reading of final image. Now, here is another math brainteaser to keep you busy. Now finally we have Clock x Calculator (1+2+2+4) x 3 Bulb with 4 lights each. Similarly, when we see bulb bulb and bulb, we will say there are 3 bulbs. When we see 3 bulbs, we should interpret is simply as 3 bulbs instead of adding any operator in between. Thus 8. 3. You can also follow me through website Facebook page . III. Select 3 Balls and put it into Circles to make it 30 -3 गेंदों का select करें और circles में डालें, कुल योग 30 होना चाहिए! So they add up to 16. F. The clocks show divisions of 8: 9+9*(3*4)(3*4)(3*4)= So there are 123.4 divisions per unit. I know some might say 333 but that’s if u add the all bulbs but each bulb is a bracketed equation on its own and bracketed equation between them are always multiplied unless there is a operation symbol which this not have. Also, like our Facebook Page for more such puzzles and brainteasers, Hi All, I am Ramesh Kumar, author of this blog. (y*z)^3= It is simple image where first we calculate, how much is value of 1 bulb and when we see 3 bulbs, we simply say if 1 bulb is equal to x then 3 bulbs should be equal to 3x not x*x*x . In the last row the number is 1224 which is 10 less. bulb So in the given order, we shall apply BODMAS rule and do multiplication before addition. But it’s written as While the image above appears to show identical screw-threads, some blur this, and there is at least one in circulation which seems to show the final two bulbs with four threads. I added + just to show that, there are 3 bulbs. Translating to base 10:  466 fine divisions comprise 1/3 of 21 = 7   Clock Calculator Bulb Math Puzzle: Image Source: www.123puzzleme.com This math puzzle is really interesting and is viral all around the world. 9oclock + 9oclock + 3oclock =21 puzzle answer. This puzzle got more than 10K responses on our Facebook Page Puzzles, Brain Teasers and Fun. Designed and Developed by, Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle Answer | Clock Calculator and Light Puzzle Answer. There are 3 Calculators, so 30/3 is 10. Thus, with all the above *assumptions* the answer is roughly 445.48. So, what I’m seeing is, there really is no definitive answer because the rules are unstable per each person’s interpretation. I love puzzles and riddles so I decided to publish same for others like me. 9 + 9 (12 x 12 x 12) = 15,561, C:  It could indicate division rather than addition, as Adrian Albright and JJ suggest: 9 + 9 (12/24) = 13.5, D.  It could indicate both multiplication and division:  9 + 9 [ (12 x 12  / 24 ] = 63, E:  Or it could be bulb^blub x bulb, as Allen Wilkins suggests:  9 + 9 (12^12 x 12) = 80,244,904,034,313. The threads could resolve the bulb ambiguity pointed out by Kevin Redinger, Thomas Dowling, Nic Mcilwee, Andy Peacock, and dennis: Value of bulb = screw-turns x rays. Let's stay updated! And I agree with the suggestion of having to be a clairvoyant to work out the bulb has a value of 3 . Find the chunk that would follow next to open this locked door Riddle Answer, Mr and Mrs Mustard Riddle Answer (SOLVED), Her pretty wings, as still as stone, as she waits on the wall, Once bright with vibrant summer hues, are now brown as fall. 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